
• 提出的改善計畫要具體可行
Create a plan that sounds like it could possibly be real. Yours sounds like your just spewing a lot of excessive checks and balances to appease Amazon. No one would ever do what you are suggesting so create a plan that sounds reasonable.
• 確定自身並沒有違反到規則
As mentioned above, listing an item as new on a page that states item is “Reconditioned” is in itself a violation. You have basically been listing refurbished items as new. Also, the listing itself is in violation as you cannot include the condition of the item within the title of a listing. So listing items as new under these refurbished or reconditioned listings was a double violation. ( Violation 已經很慘了,還 double?)
• 語氣要堅定才能顯示專業
Being uncertain just sounds like you’re not a professional, remove anything that says if you’re not sure or if you don’t know anything about the product.
以下是 恢復銷售權 樣本參考
Dear Seller Performance,
Thank you for granting me this opportunity to correct my listing and grading methods. I examined every Return, Seller Defect, Negative Feedback, and Amazon Warning. I reviewed every procedure in my Company and designed precise controls to eliminate Compliance issues and buyer complaints.
My 2015 Return Rate is down 400% from 2014(請依照您的狀況寫,把您過去在亞馬遜的好表現、想到的優點,全都寫出來!)
• I have zero A-Z Claims, no unresolved Buyer Complaints, no pending returns
• I have maintained a higher than average Feedback Score
• I provide < 2 hour Customer Response Time
• 100% on time Shipments and 99.75% on time Delivery
• I have never relisted to any Blocked or Restricted ASIN
• I promptly addressed all concerns, complaints, and questions
• I am courteous and professional with all Buyers at all times
I clearly understand why you took this action against me. I see where I have been causing Amazon real hassles and creating buyer dissatisfaction. If you will be gracious and allow me another chance to prove myself I am confident you will not have to correct me about these issues again.
Humbly yours,
(BQool 比酷爾編譯)
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